Thursday 24 April 2014

Me-Made-May'14: The Goal

This will be my first year participating in Me-Made-May'14. I loved following everyone's outfit updates last year and I'm very excited to be getting involved this year. Check out So, Zo...what do you know? for  info on Me-Made-May'14.

I've set myself  two goals which will hopefully help me with a little sewing  problem of mine. Winter is coming....and I'm not prepared. I'm guilty of refusing to buy knit or woven basics because they're so simple to make, but avoiding making them because they're so boring. Thus, I own like 2 basic t-shirts, no leggings, and only scummy old long-sleeves tops. Thankfully I have a draw full of tights, and most pairs have no holes. 

So, I, Liz of Sewn By Elizabeth, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '14. 
I endeavour to: 
 1) wear at least one item of hand made clothing each day for the duration of May 2014. 
2) sew at least two layering knit/stretch clothing items for myself. 

The second goal is an obvious push to force myself to make more basics, but I think the first goal will help, as well. Most of my me-makes are more appropriate for summer/spring. If I'm going to wear them every day then I will definitely need more warm basic layers to go under/with my many floral skirts and dresses in the coming cooler weather.

Sewn By Elizabeth Summer/Spring wardrobe

So,  the above clothing items (and many more) now need to be integrated into a warm and woolly wardrobe. Any advice? Obviously there will be a lot of tights. I'm going to finally try and the Deer and Doe Plantain top, perhaps get my hands on the Sewaholic Renfrew top and maybe try sewing leggings. Wish me luck.  I'll post weekly roundups of my outfits and basics sewing progress.

On the other hand, maybe May will be full of sunshine and I wont have to worry about keeping warm....


  1. You are a brave woman. I don't think I have enough me-mades for Me Made May; also my work occasionally dictates how I should dress which makes wearing me-mades difficult!

    Anyway, re basics patterns: I happen to have a Style Arc Anita Ponti Pants in size 12; it came as part of a job lot of patterns gifted to Social Sewing and I volunteered to provide a home to the unclaimed patterns. Would you like it?

    1. Hi Oanh! I'll be wearing lots of repeats! I think I have enough to get me through as long as the weather doesn't tub seriously nasty. Or maybe I'm way over my head?

      Do you mean the tessuti Anita ponte pants or the style arc April pants perhaps? Either wy I love them.

  2. May is a tough month isn't it! I'll be having lots of repeats as well, and I'm allowing silk scarves/undies as MM for those days where I'm really stuck! Tights/leggings & LS tops every day - I miss my spring & summer pieces already!

    1. I'm going to try and avoid underwear as a MMM item, we'll have to see how I get on there. Grey melbourne is really killing my lover for floral

  3. I am looking forward to May! Hopefully a post will be up soon on the blog! I like in England and know a lot about chilli weather! However I still live in dresses and skirts! I wear a lot of crop knitted cardigans as layers! They don't hide the nice high waisted dresses and show off the full skirts while keeping warm! X

    1. Yes, I definitely need more cropped cardi's! They are an essential. Good luck with your MMM

  4. Good luck. I look forward to seeing your outfits. I think I will start making knickers and camis soon so i have underneath made-by-mes!

    1. I love the idea of full me made outfits but not sure I'm ready, or wanting, to tackle bras. I would like to make up some cami's though

  5. Good luck with your pledges! I think I'll be relying on some repeat outfits over the month for mine! It's funny, I've never been drawn to making t-shirts and basics either yet I often wear them and they're probably one of the easier items to personalise! Looking forward to seeing your MMM updates :)

    1. Thanks! Yes I'm the same. Can we change our ways?

    2. haha, we'll soon find out! :)

  6. Good luck! I'm participating in Me Made May as well. I'm going to try to wear only handmade clothes (excluding undergarments), but I might run into problems because I have very few solid colored garments and basics.
    About the cold weather...I live in MN and although spring is here (finally!) we had a long, cold winter with so much snow! I still wear skirts and dresses all winter long, but I live in fleece lined leggings, cardigans, sweaters and long socks. Layers are the key to staying warm.

    1. Good luck! Fleece lined tights are a godsend!

  7. I'm Queen of making the floral dress be all year round by adding tights! See if you can find some wool tights, super snuggly warm yet look like regular stockings. So good.
    I'll be repeating my way through MMM14, no way do I have enough stuff to do an entire month without repeats!

    1. I'm quite the layer myself! I really need some coloured and grey tights. I only have black and they can get quite boring.
      I was thinking of trying 'no repeats within the week' just to up the challenge a bit. that way I can repeat clothing but need to wear at least 7 different items each week.
      Good luck with your MMM14!
